class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Finding Information ### Matthijs de Zwaan ### 12 januari 2022 --- class:inverse # Why do you need information? ??? Icebreaker question for public --- # Why do you need information? .card.left[ ## Context How does this work fit into other discussions? What arguments were made previously? ] .card.right[ ## Motivation Why is this work important and interesting? ] .card.left[ ## Novelty You can only argue that your work adds something new if you first show what has been done before. ] --- class:inverse # Where can you find information? ??? First Mentimeter questions <!-- --- --> <!-- name: menti --> <!-- <iframe width="1200" height="675" src="" title="Mentimeter"></iframe> --> --- # Where can you find information? <span class="card-small" style="top:48%;left:27%">Personal blogs, vlogs, etc</span> <span class="card-small" style="top:35%;left:74%">Company websites</span> <span class="card-small" style="top:26%;left:69%">(Inter)national organisations</span> <span class="card-small" style="top:30%;left:11%">Newspapers & magazines</span> <span class="card-small" style="top:60%;left:62%">Your friends after a night<br>on the town</span> <span class="card-small" style="top:40%;left:58%">Wikipedia</span> <span class="card-small" style="top:80%;left:22%">Political parties</span> <span class="card-small" style="top:61%;left:26%">Social media</span> <span class="card-small" style="top:29%;left:43%">Documentaries</span> <span class="card-small" style="top:72%;left:51%">Academic studies</span> ??? Useful information is everywhere, but not all information is useful for all questions. Good to look more carefully at certain aspects of information. --- # Aspects of information .card[ ## Time versus trust How difficult is it to check the information? How much time does it take? ] .card[ ## Objectives Why was the information provided? Persuasion or information? ] ??? More menti --- # Where can you find information? .card[ ## Search broadly No need to limit yourself to academic studies Different sources can answer different kinds of questions Be aware of your information source and its limits. ] --- # Where can you find information? .card.left[ ## Interesting topics & relevant discussions Social media (Twitter) Newspapers & magazines ] .card.right[ ## Opinions & points of view NGOs, political organizations, companies ] .card.left[ ## Background info Wikipedia Textbooks, handbooks ] .card.right[ ## Detailed analysis, “proof” Academic books/articles ] --- class:inverse # Finding information<br>from different sources --- # Finding information<br>from different sources <span class="card-small" style="top:48%;left:27%">Personal blogs, vlogs, etc</span> <span class="card-small" style="top:35%;left:74%">Company websites</span> <span class="card-small" style="top:26%;left:69%">(Inter)national organisations</span> <span class="card-small highlight" style="top:30%;left:11%">Newspapers & magazines</span> <span class="card-small" style="top:60%;left:62%">Your friends after a night<br>on the town</span> <span class="card-small" style="top:40%;left:58%">Wikipedia</span> <span class="card-small" style="top:80%;left:22%">Political parties</span> <span class="card-small" style="top:61%;left:26%">Social media</span> <span class="card-small" style="top:29%;left:43%">Documentaries</span> <span class="card-small highlight" style="top:72%;left:51%">Academic studies</span> --- # Access to information <div class="card" style="margin-top:80px;margin-bottom:50px;"> <h2>On campus</h2> <p>Should have access automatically</p> <p>If not: log on to VUnet</p> <p>But: <i>no one is on campus...</i></p> </div> .card[ ## Off campus Log on to VUnet Search materials using <a href="#libsearch">Libsearch</a> See <a href="" target=_blank>this information</a>. ] --- # Finding information in<br>magazines & newspapers .card[ ## Options Browse the paper Search the website Search Nexis Uni ] --- name:nexis # Nexis Uni <a href="">![](img/nexis-uni.png)</a> --- # Getting started with Nexis Uni .center[ These tutorials can help you find your way in Nexis Uni. <iframe width="420" height="315" src=""></iframe> <iframe width="420" height="315" src=""></iframe> ] - Also see []() - [Skip ahead](#search-title) for search methods --- # Finding academic publications <a href="#google"> <img src="img/google-scholar.png" alt="Google Scholar logo" style="display:block;position:absolute;left:10%;top:25%;width:500;"> </a> <a href="#libsearch"> <img src="img/libsearch.png" alt="Libsearch logo" style="display:block;position:absolute;left:30%;top:58%;width:500;"> </a> <a href="#scopus"> <img src="img/scopus.jpg" alt="Scopus logo" style="display:block; position:absolute; left:55%; top:75%; width:500;"> </a> --- name:google # Finding academic publications:<br>Google Scholar <a href="" target=_blank> <img src="img/google-scholar.png" alt="Google Scholar logo" style="display:block; margin-left: auto;margin-right:auto; width:40%;"> </a> <div style="position:absolute; left: 30%; width:60%; bottom:5%"> <p>😍 Easy to use</p> <p>🤔 Results not consistent or transparent</p> <p>🤔 Many sources, no quality assessment</p> </div> --- name:libsearch # Finding academic publications:<br>VU Libsearch <a href="" target=_blank> <img src="img/libsearch.png" alt="Libsearch logo" style="display:block; margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto; width:40%;"> </a> <div style="position:absolute; left: 30%;width:60%;bottom:5%"> <p>😍 Access & availability of materials are clear</p> <p>😍 Includes books, data, other resources</p> <p>🤔 Not easy to use</p> </div> --- name:scopus # Finding academic publications:<br>Scopus <a href="" target=_blank> <img src="img/scopus.jpg" alt="Scopus logo" style="display:block; margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto; width:40%;"> </a> <div style="position:absolute; left: 30%; width:60%;bottom:5%"> <p>😍 Easy to use.</p> <p>😍 “Advanced search” very good for filtering</p> </p>🤔 <span style="text-align:left;">Only <a href="" target=_blank>peer-reviewed</a> materials:<br>   - Indication of quality<br>   - Not very recent </p> </div> -- <img src="img/recommended.png" style="opacity:.7;width:20%;position:absolute;right:20%;top:30%;z-index:1;transform:rotate(355deg);"> --- # Getting started with Scopus .center[ <iframe width="420" height="315" src=""></iframe> <iframe width="420" height="315" src=""></iframe> ] - Scopus provides a number of other [tutorials]( - [Useful guide]( (<strong>NB!</strong> From Utrecht University Library, links do not always work for VU students!) - [Skip ahead](#search-title) for search methods --- name:search-title class:inverse # How to search --- layout: true # How to search: “building blocks” --- .pull-left[ <!-- Venn diagram 1:set up --> <img src="img/venn-setup.svg" alt="Venn diagram" /> ] .pull-right[ .card[ ## Example How will *Brexit* affect *migration* patterns? ] ] --- .pull-left[ <!-- Venn diagram 2:A AND B --> <img src="img/venn-and.svg"> ] .pull-right[ .card[ ## “Boolean operators”: AND *A* AND *B* *Brexit* AND *migration* Selects articles that mention *both* Brexit *and* migration. Fewer results, more precise. ]] --- .pull-left[ <!-- Venn diagram 3:A OR B --> <img src="img/venn-or.svg"> ] .pull-right[ .card.left[ ## “Boolean operators”: OR *A* OR *B* *Brexit* OR *migration* Selects articles that mention *either* Brexit *or* migration. More results, less precise. ]] </div> --- .pull-left[ <!-- Venn diagram 4:A AND B AND C --> <img src="img/venn-more.svg"> ] .pull-right[ .card.left[ ## “Boolean operators” *A* AND *B* AND *C* *Brexit* AND *migration* AND "*economic growth*" Combine as many search terms as needed. See <a href="">here</a> for more info ]] ??? More menti --- <!-- Diagram: How to use AND and OR --> <div style="display:flex; justify-content:center;"> <img src="img/and-or.svg" style="width: 90%;"> </div> Use “AND” to combine the key concepts of your research question. Use “OR” to combine the different terms that can be used to describe those concepts.<br>Different authors can use different words to describe similar concepts! Start broadly, narrow down results as necessary. --- <div class="card"><h2>Parentheses <b>(</b>...<b>)</b></h2><p>For grouping: <span style="font-family:monospace">A AND (B OR C)</span></p></div> <div class="card"><h2>Quotes <b>"</b>...<b>"</b></h2><p>For phrases: <span style="font-family:monospace">"labour mobility"</span></p></div> <div class="card"><h2>Wildcards <b>?</b>,<b>*</b></h2><p>For one or more characters: <span style="font-family:monospace">colo?r</span></p></div> <div class="card"><h2>Careful!</h2><p>Exact usage may differ between search engines!</p></div> --- layout:false name: snowball # How to search: “snowball” .card.left[ ## Backward snowball Which articles were used for this research? Check the list of references at the end of an article. ] .card.right[ ## Forward snowball How was this article used in other research? “Cited by” options in e.g. Scopus or Google Scholar ] --- template:snowball <div style="position:absolute;width:100%; display:flex; justify-content:center;"> <iframe src="" width="576" height="375" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe> <p><a href=""> via GIPHY</a></p> </div> --- template: snowball .card.left[ <h2 style="background-color:red">Useful, but dangerous</h2> <p>After only two “generations”, already hundreds of references</p> <p>Easy to get lost if you don't know what you're looking for.</p> ] --- # A suggested workflow <div style="display:flex; justify-content:center; align-items: center;"> <img src="img/workflow.svg" alt="A suggested workflow" width="80%"> <div> ??? Show Scopus search --- name: tips # Finding information: Tips & tricks .card.left[ ## Not a linear process Adjust your search terms as needed. Takes time! ] .card.right[ ## Make a logbook! Keep track of your searches. Some search engines provide additional options if you make an account. ] .card.left[ ## Each search engine differs slightly. Check the manuals ] .card.right[ ## “<a href="">Good artists copy; great artists steal</a>” Good academics steal and leave fingerprints. {{ content }} ] --- template: tips <span style="color:red;">Do not plagiarize!</span> --- # Finding information: more support .card.left[ <h2 style="text-transform:lowercase;"><a href=""></a></h2> Information, opening hours, news ] .card.right[ ## <a href="">Online guides</a> For more tips & tricks ] .card.left[ ## <a href="">Events & workshops</a> Finding literature and data, reference software, ... ] .card.right[ <h2 style="text-transform:lowercase;"><a href=""></a></h2> For questions on access, availability, etc. ] --- background-image:url("img/lost-at-sea.png") background-position: center background-size: cover --- background-image:url("img/in-control.png") background-position: center background-size: cover